So, I’m apparently running v4.4.0-alpha.1+chuckya (src) on my fedi instance, which means I have access to the “amazing” (/s) wrapstodon feature which I of course had to de-Mastodon a little ;3

Thanks for being part of gay fedi. Here is your 2024 in review. My top post was: "This wouldn't have happened on Linux" I say smugly, as I copy and paste a command from a 2008 forum post, three hours into trying to get my fucking WiFi working on Arch [/sarcasm]. I gained 2,342 followers. My most used hashtag was #wikimania. I made 2,233 new posts. This puts you in the top 30% of silly users

It broke my instance for a bit, but here’s a recreation of what I did to make it work.

  1. SSH’d to the instance, changed to the mastodon user, cd’d to the live directory
  2. Ran:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
  1. Then once loaded (i.e. mastodon(prod)> prompt is visible), ran:
AnnualReport.prepare(2024) # replace with whichever year you want to run the report for

User.joins(account: :account_stat)
    .where(current_sign_in_at: (, 1, 1)..)) # replace year here, too, if you want to run it for a different year
    .where(account_stats: { followers_count: (1..) }).find_each do |user|
  annual_report =, 2024).generate # replace year here, too, if you want to run it for a different year

  next if annual_report.nil? ||['top_statuses'].values.all?(&:nil?) ||['top_hashtags'].empty?, :annual_report, annual_report)
  1. Wait for the script to finish running (it’ll return nil)

This initially didn’t work for me (or at least, I didn’t get the notification) — I logged into the db (sudo -u postgres psql) and checked the tables (\dt) to see if the generated_annual_reports table was created (it had been).

I then checked to see if any notifications had been sent

mastodon_production=# select * from notifications order by created_at desc limit 20;

and did not see any with the activity_type of GeneratedAnnualReport.

Going back to the command I ran in the rails console, I assumed that

next if annual_report.nil? ||['top_statuses'].values.all?(&:nil?) ||['top_hashtags'].empty?

had prevented the notification from being sent. With all the confidence of someone who doesn’t know ruby, I commented out the line and ran the script again.


Opening the web UI gave an error, something to do with notification_annual_report.tsx… nothing would load until I checked for and deleted the notification in the database

mastodon_production=# delete from notifications where activity_type = 'GeneratedAnnualReport';

My fursona, a fox wearing a purple hoodie, shrugging

Fuck it, I’ll clear the generated_annual_reports

mastodon_production=# delete from generated_annual_reports;

and try again.

This time it worked (whyyy??) and checking for relevant notifications in the table

mastodon_production=# select * from notifications where activity_type = 'GeneratedAnnualReport';

returned some results. Refreshing the web UI showed the weird lil’ notification and everything worked — yay :D

(content taken heavily from :3)