I’ve actually got a draft post which I started yesterday about Technical SEO to finish, but something caught my interest today - Google announced the roll out of their December 2020 Core Update.

Like any Core Update, this is going to be a large change to their search and ranking algorithm, and the Panic! has already begun 😁

I keep a vague, interested yet sceptical eye on some of the more technical aspects of the SEO world - I’m putting my money on the update to include some of these:

Web Vitals

As already hinted at and incorporated in some other algorithm changes, it’s fairly likely that this Core Update is going to push Web Vitals to the forefront of the performance-led ranking. I’m still waiting for the “Fast Site” badges in Google Chrome…


We’ve already seen Google (and by extension, the Google Chrome browser) lean heavily on webmasters to ensure their sites are secure, and penalising those which aren’t. If not already firmly in their algorithm, non-HTTPS websites are going to get a big bump.